Monday, 27 August 2012

Gangs operating in Notting Hill Carnival

Gang members have been operating in and around the Notting Hill Carnival for decades. Acting as a law unto themselves the steamer gangs can be identified by their all black clothing and their willingness to show their weapons in plain sight. As can be seen by "Dem Filthy Babylon" gang member in the middle of this photo 

Members of the W10 Steamer Gang known locally as 
"Dem Filthy Babylon"
choose their next victim at Notting Hill Carnival

Another gang member this time attempting to disguise herself as a mid 90s raver. Uses a metal bar which is inserted into the mouth of a large animal then pulled back violently (see the whitening of the knuckles) with leather straps. In a successful attempt at intimidating local residents attending the annual Children's Day at Notting Hill Carnival